October 28, 2022

How to run a Sprint Planning?

Sprint Planning is the first Scrum event of a Sprint. Let's see how to run this meeting.

Sprint Planning is the first Scrum event of a Sprint. Scrum is a popular project management framework. It’s used to create a rapid and flexible environment for complex product development. You can learn more about Scrum in our last article.

It is where the team will plan What they are doing during the Sprint and How they will organize to do it.

Who is involved in The Sprint Planning?

  • The Product Owner ;
  • The Development Team ;
  • The Scrum Master ;
  • Occasionally, some other members can participate.

How long does it last?

Maximum 4 hours for a 2 weeks Sprint.

1/ Define The Sprint Goal

The Sprint Goal is a sentence that illustrates the value that will be brought to the product during the Sprint. It is the team's goal and allows all team members to be aligned.

It doesn’t need to be set at the beginning of the Sprint Planning, but by the end of the meeting, this should be defined and clear to everyone.

2/ Choose Work To Be Done

The Product Owner presents the User Stories that contribute to the Sprint goal to the development team. They discuss together to ensure that all elements are understood.

If necessary, changes and refinements can be made.

In many Agile teams, items are estimated. The development team discusses giving a complexity/effort value in the form of Story Points. To learn more about planning poker, read this article planning poker.

These estimates allow the development team to know what they can complete in a Sprint.

The Product Owner presents the User Story by priority order. But in the end, it’s the Development Team that has the final say on what they can accomplish.

3/ Organize on How to Realize it

Once the work is chosen, the development team discusses how they will carry it out.

Often, each User Story is decomposed into technical tasks.

The questions that should be answered in this part of the meeting are:

  • Who will start which tasks?
  • Are they any dependencies identified between items?

At the end of the Sprint planning, the team should have a clear plan, at least for the 2 or 3 following days

For Team on Notion, the Notion Scrum Template is a set-up for Scrum Projects. You will find a template of Sprint Planning, with all the info you need to execute an efficient Sprint Planning.